Are you faced with an unexpected pregnancy and are exploring your pregnancy options, including abortion? Are you stressing out about your finances and wondering how much abortion will cost?

You are not alone as you navigate this unexpected time. We’re here to help inform you about what to expect when it comes to abortion and Medicaid coverage in Ohio.

What Does Abortion Cost?

Abortion is not a low cost and comes with more financial costs than just the abortion procedure alone. The cost of the abortion procedure can vary depending on what type of abortion is done, medical or surgical. 

Some other costs to consider before and after the procedure, include: 

  • The time you may need to take off work for recovery
  • Treatment costs for potential complications
  • Cost of medications to help with side effects 

Does Ohio Medicaid Pay for Abortion?

Typically, Ohio Medicaid (government-funded insurance) does not cover abortion costs except in some instances. Medicaid in Ohio will only cover abortion expenses in cases of reported rape, incest, or to save the life of the woman.

Also, health plans offered in the state’s health exchange under the Affordable Care Act only cover abortion in cases of life endangerment or cases of rape or incest as well.

Pregnancy Services & Support

If you haven’t confirmed your pregnancy, it’s important to not only get a positive pregnancy test result but also an ultrasound. This step confirms your pregnancy options and whether you are experiencing any potential complications.

If you are pregnant, you have choices regarding the outcome of your pregnancy. Many women find it helpful to talk to someone about these options. We offer a safe space to get your questions answered.

Contact us for a free and confidential appointment to confirm your pregnancy and options. Our team is here to offer you information about all your options.
