What You Need to Know About Abortion Pill Reversal

We all have done things that we regret – you are not alone. If you regret taking the abortion pill,  you still may have time to reverse the effects if you’ve only taken mifepristone, the first drug of the process.  Start the abortion reversal pill process as soon as possible by calling the abortion pill

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Is Abortion Pill Reversal Hard on Your Body?

Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) aims to reverse the impact of mifepristone, the initial drug in a medical abortion. For the best result, it’s vital to take APR as soon as possible.  If you’re reconsidering your choice to take the abortion pill and want to continue your pregnancy, reliable information is crucial. The Abortion Pill Rescue

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How to Find the Abortion Reversal Pill

Did you take the abortion pill and regret it? Many women have been in your situation and safely reversed the effects of their abortion. There still may be time for you to chase the results of the abortion pill if you’ve only taken the first dose of the regimen, Mifepristone. Get the abortion reversal pill

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All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.